The PC Decrapifer makes the news
"PC Decrapifier is designed to make crapware eradication as easy as possible."
"The best part is that PC Decrapifier can remove programs that can otherwise be tough to get rid of."
"Fortunately, there’s PC Decrapifier, a straightforwardly named tool that scans your PC for known bloatware, then allows you to wipe it all away in one fell swoop."
"One really nifty program called PC Decrapifier, which is free and very easy to use, is one of my favorites."
"If you've bought a new computer in the past few months or have never bothered to get rid of the all the crapware installed on your PC at the factory, try PC Decrapifier."
" can get a quick speed boost by running this program."
"Make your computer a mean browsing machine with this free program!"
"To delegate the task of finding out which programs you probably don't want or need, you could try a third-party utility called PC Decrapifier."
"Zap unused trial software and other unwanted bloatware with PC Decrapifier."
"try PC Decrapifier, which will automatically remove known bloatware."
"PC Decrapifier can identify and take these naughty programs down..."
"Grab PC Decrapifier to remove trial programs and bloatware in a snap..."
"deleting bloatware can really make a big difference in your computer's performance (we recommend PC Decrapifier for the job)"
"The first thing you need to download is a program called PC Decrapifier..."
"...take advantage of the aptly named PC Decrapifier, which was created for the sole purpose of removing crapware."
"...use a program like PC Decrapifier to clean out craplets -- unwanted pre-installed programs."
"A free program with the charmingly crude name of PC Decrapifier can automate both sets of chores..."
"Try the free PC De-Crapifier. It's built just for this job."
"...the PC Decrapifier, a handy little program that automates the uninstall process for many trial- and adware titles..."
"This enchantingly named program is designed to remove most of the gratuitous software that computer manufacturers install on new systems."
"PC Decrapifier got a lot of publicity earlier this year when 'craplets' entered the public vocabulary, and it's recently acquired added capabilities to remove more bloatware..."
"One quick way to remove the junk is to use a utility called PC Decrapifier..."
"I spotted the tool I'd been hoping some smart geek would create -- a free trial-ware banishing program called, appropriately enough, the 'PC Decrapifier.'"
"One ray of hope is a free program called PC Decrapifier."
"PC Decrapifier does just what you'd think it does--removes all the free and trial software that your PC vendor puts on your PC, in one easy step."